Stay Dedicated!
I’m super proud of my mom.
Last year she decided to start walking up hills again. She asked me what she can do to prepare for her hill walks and I told her to just walk up small hills.
Guess what?
She started on the small ones and is now walking up the bigger ones. Mom walks up hills, over hills and around hills and is very happy doing so. The moral of the story is if you want to do something, start small and stay dedicated.
It doesn’t happen overnight.
SoulShine Schedule - please sign up for your classes. Thanks!
Monday: HIIT @ The Little Theater and on Zoom - 8:15-9:15 am
Tuesday: HIIT Yoga Fusion @ The Little Theater and on Zoom - 8:15-9:15 am
Thursday: PiYo @ The Athletic Club and on Zoom - 12-1 pm
Friday: HIIT @ The Little Theater and on Zoom - 8:15-9:15 am
If you want to walk up hills, you’ll have to walk up hills,
Jode xo