Fitter, Faster, Stronger!
Hey team, do you know that if you were able to reduce your resting heart rate by only 5 beats per minute, that would translate into 7,200 fewer times per day your heart needs to beat? That's more than 50,000 fewer beats per week and a lot less work that your heart will need to do!
Remember, your heart has a certain amount of beats per life. Exercise makes your heart work more efficiently, slowing down those beats. Less Beats = More LIfe!!! Let's try to shift our focus from what our body looks like to what our body feels like. Efficient and long life? Sign me up! :)
Here's the schedule for the next two weeks:
Monday - HIIT at The Rec - 8:15-9:15 am
Tuesday - PiYo at The Rec - 8:15-9:15 am
no PiYo on Thursday
no HIIT on Friday
No classes during Feb vacation week 2/18-2/22 other than Thursday at The Athletic Club. Carly will be teaching a class at our normal 12-1 pm. Then we're back in action Feb 25 week with a brand new PiYo sesh and all of our HIITs!! :)