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Remember Your Why!

Happy day, everyone! It's really been gorgeous outside but I'm looking forward to getting our snow back soon. Today I was working on our new PiYo that I'll unveil at our Rec class on Tuesday. It's a good one and super booty pumping! PiYo at The Athletic Club will be the same as the one that we've been doing for the past few weeks. New PiYo for TAC either next week or the following week.

Classes for the past couple of weeks have been pretty full and I'm looking forward to seeing some faces this week that I miss! :) What's your plan? Create your schedule now and then follow through. Your health and wellbeing are worth your time. Remember your why and why your why became your why. xo

Here's our schedule for this week:

Monday - HIIT at The Rec - 8:15-9:15 am

Tuesday - PiYo at The Rec - 8:15-9:15 am

Thursday - PiYo at TAC - 12-1 pm

Friday - HIIT at The REc - 8:15-9:15 am

Personal Training/Health Coaching Sessions - I have three spots open this week - Tuesday at 12:30 pm, Wednesday at 12 pm, and Thursday at 9:30. Let me know if you'd like an hour with me. :)

Here's to your why!!



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