Emotional Feeding and Eating

This week I read a super interesting and thought provoking article on emotional eating and emotional feeding. Do you eat for emotional reasons, such as when you’re worried, angry, anxious, or annoyed? Did you know that parents pass on emotional eating habits to their children? Emotional eating is a known cause of obesity and often begins in childhood in response to a parent being an emotional feeder.
Kids at greatest risk for emotional feeding scored high in a measure of “negative affectivity”—that is, they experienced higher-than-average levels of sadness, fear, anger and frustration and lower degrees of “soothability.”
(IDEA Health and Fitness Association)
Do you give your children food when he or she is upset to make them feel better? How do you cope with stressors? Do you have strategies that you use to help your family cope with stressors? If you are an emotional feeder, please try to break this cycle by making an effort to help those around you find more useful ways to cope with stress. Exercise, talking it out with someone who you trust, taking a time out in a quiet room and focusing on breathing, writing it down, or having a 3 minute dance party are all strategies you can use to help yourself and your family de-stress and sooth. Try it....I double dog dare you. :)
We have a new 8 week PiYo session beginning this Tuesday!! Good music, lots of stretch, strength, and booty plumpin’! Don’t forget Tuesday’s class is free! No excuses this week, just do it. Your long and lean muscles will thank you. Drop in - $12 per class, 8 week session - $70. :)
SoulShine Schedule:
Monday – HIIT at Woodstock Rec – 8:15-9:15 am
Tuesday – Free PiYo at Woodstock Rec – 8:15-9:15 am
Thursday – Cardio Dance at The Athletic Club – 12-12:45 pm
Friday – HIIT at Woodstock Rec – 8:15-9:15 am
Be aware of your motivation and tendencies, remember that no one is perfect, try your best to be who you want to be, learn from your mistakes, grow, and then let that amazing soul of yours shine, shine, shine!