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One Workout Away!

Exercise has proven benefits for improving physical health. But what about mental health? Research has shown that active people are nearly 45% less likely to have depressive symptoms than inactive people.   While exercisers report fewer mental health problems than non-exercisers, always keep in mind what works and what doesn't. *Exercise sessions of 30-60 minutes provide the best outcomes; 45 minutes is best.

*Vigorous exercise is linked to better mental health outcomes than either light or moderate exercise.  

*Exercising at least 3-5 times a week, in a variety of modes, is appropriate for producing mental health benefits.

*More exercise is not necessarily better. Exercising more than 23 times per month or longer than 90 minutes per session is associated with worse mental health outcomes than not exercising at all.

*Research has shown that group exercise provides a social atmosphere which can reduce depression and promote hardiness in relation to stress.  

SoulShine Schedule for this week: ***Please sign up for the classes you'd like to take.  If you're in for Monday's class, let me know ASAP and I'll let you know by this afternoon if we have enough people to make it a go.  Thanks! ***

Monday - HIIT @ home - 8:15-9:15 am Tuesday - HIIT Yoga Fusion @ home and in person @ The Little Theater - 8:15-9:15 am  Thursday - PiYo @ home - 8:15-9:15 am Friday - HIIT @ home and in person @ The Little Theater - 8:15-9:15 am Take care, be safe, and live well,

Jode xo


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