Defy Your Limitations!
Good morning! I hope that you're having a lovely weekend and that you're beginning to make a plan for your health and wellness for this week (and maybe next as well).
As you'll see in the schedule below, the next couple of weeks will be a little different. Although I won't be working out with you on 3 of the days, I would love for you to still get your workout in, so I will send you a recorded version, upon request. You'll need to let me know by this Wednesday though, as I will be "unplugged" after that until 8/10.
Please sign up now for the classes you would like to join. Thanks!
SoulShine Schedule for the next two weeks:
Monday 8/3 - HIIT on Zoom - 8-9 am
Tuesday 8/4 - HIIT Yoga Fusion in person and on Zoom - 8-9 am
Thursday 8/6 - Recorded PiYo upon request
Friday 8/7 - No in person, recorded HIIT upon request
Monday 8/10 - Recorded HIIT upon request
Tuesday 8/11 - HIIT Yoga Fusion in person and on Zoom- 8-9 am
Thursday 8/13 - PiYo on Zoom - 8-9 am
Friday 8/14 - HIIT in person and on Zoom - 8-9 am
Find your motivation, make some goals, and remember that you are in charge of your body, your mind, and your health. Things don't happen to us, WE make things happen for ourselves. Have you placed a limit on yourself because of a perceived barrier? Perceived limits can be defied. The choice is yours. Believe that you can and you will. Boom!!!
Jode xo