You Rock!
You rock! Yes, you. If your instinct is to brush off compliments like that one - or to mutter a quick "thanks" and change the subject - your confidence will take a hit. Follow these three tips to become more comfortable accepting the kudos you deserve.
Say two words. When someone praises you, make eye contact and give a genuine "thank you!" Don't deflect or minimize their comment by adding "but......" Instead, you can tack on an "I really appreciate it." When you embrace positive feedback, you're not only letting yourself receive kindness but also allowing the other person to give it, which lifts their energy too.
Keep it going. Turn flattery into bond - boosting conversation. If a friend notices your sweet biceps, you might say "Thanks! I work hard to stay strong. Join me sometime for a ride/class/run/walk."
Give yourself props. Each morning, compliment yourself - in your mind or out loud - on a quality or action you're proud of. "You're a caring friend" or "Nice job showing up to HIIT today even though you were tired." It may feel cheesy or uncomfortable but it will become easier the more you do it.
*Abbreviated from an article in Women's Health*
SoulShine Training Schedule for this week:
Monday - no HIIT
Tuesday - PiYo at Woodstock Rec - 8:15-9:15 am
Thursday - PiYo at The Athletic Club - 12-1 pm
Friday - HIIT at Woodstock Rec - 8:15-9:15 am
You rock so hard! Believe that!
